The Cannabis Business Coach Podcast Episode 37: Laura Lagano, Holistic Cannabis Academy

The Cannabis Business Coach Michael Zaytsev interviews and coaches Laura Lagano, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, author of "The CBD Oil Miracle" and co-founder of the Holistic Cannabis Academy.

As one of a handful of RDNs who has completed the prestigious Institute of Functional Medicine program, Laura integrates her expertise in nutrition, functional medicine, and cannabis in her private practice, Laura Lagano Nutrition LLC.

We discuss misconceptions about Cannabis edibles, how to find quality products, writing a book, and how to combat Cannaphobia.

In the coaching portion, Mike helps Laura with the challenge of getting people to understand that quality education comes at a cost.

Recorded on 2/10/2021

Additional Resources:

The Cannabis Business Book

The CBD Oil Miracle: Manage Pain, Improve Your Mood, Boost Your Brain, Fight Inflammation, Clear Your Skin, Strengthen Your Heart, and Sleep Better with the Healing Power of CBD Oil

Promo Code: MIKEZ for a discount at

Michael Zaytsev
Entrepreneur / Life Coach

The Cannabis Business Coach Podcast Episode 38: Justin Johnson, BudsFeed


The Cannabis Business Coach Podcast Episode 36: Sam Ghods, Connected Cannabis